The kindest hearts feel the most pain. Empaths ~ you deserve a love deeper than the ocean

Sarah Monreal ~ Emotional healing specialist & Soul Coach

Finally feel understood


The kindest hearts feel the most pain. Empaths & Sensitives ~ you deserve a love deeper than the ocean

Sarah Monreal ~ Emotional healing specialist & Intuitive Soul Coach

Finally feel understood


When you heed the voice of your soul, you will attract to you what your heart desires. I can help guide you there

Sarah Monreal

Helping you to transform your sensitivity into your gift & reconnect with your true divine self

Sensitivity is symptom of awakening, the awakening of your heart. It's vital you learn how to use your sensitivity as the super power it was meant to be. I can help you

Do you go through periods of emotional overwhelm & numbness, struggling with your sensitivity?

Have you been through heartache and now you’re finding it hard to heal and to re-ignite your inner spark?

♡ Do you lack the confidence to fully be yourself?

♡ Do you feel a call in your heart to help others in your career, but something is holding you back or you're feeling your not fulfilling your potential?

Within you are gifts waiting to be awakened; Courage, clarity, inner peace, wisdom, creative & healing gifts and much more. They lie within your Soul

I’m Sarah, a highly Sensitive Empath, an Intuitive Soul Coach and an Emotional healing specialist. I am trained in numerous healing modalities (including NLP, EFT, life coaching and hypnotherapy) that I use to help people change the way they think & feel.

I can help you to find YOUR WAY, your true self, by helping you to hear the voice of your soul. It's waiting to guide you towards your dreams!

It brings me great joy to see the gentle Souls I help blossom, because I know how it feels to suffer and to feel stuck and I've learnt what works so you don't have to go through the years of searching I did.

 My heartfelt passion is to guide you on an empowering and nurturing journey of healing your heart, relieving any sense of guilt, shame, unworthiness and hurt, by helping you to reconnect to your soul, your true self and your Souls purpose so you can create a life you love.

I hear you. I see you. you are WORTHY

My Story Start Healing

People say the nicest things

Hidden Treasure

With Harriet, Sarah reflects on her childhood and how this created the backdrop for some of her mental health experiences.  Now living a life she loves, Sarah shares with us some of the 'treasure' she discovered on this journey of healing and some keys to healing emotional pain.

Listen and be inspired!

How I Can Help

You will attract the healing you need when you're ready to let go


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